Trend Trading
A trend trading strategy relies on using technical analysis to identify the direction of market momentum. This is usually considered a medium-term strategy, best suited to the trading styles of position traders or swing traders, as each position will remain open for as long as the trend continues.
The price of an asset can trend up or down. If you were going to take a long position, you’d do so when you believe the market is going to reach higher highs. If you were going to take a short position, you’d do so if you thought the market would reach lower lows.
Derivative and leveraged products – such as CFDs – are popular choices for trend-following strategies, because they enable traders to go both long and short. Here, you would put up a small initial deposit (called margin) to open a larger position. Note that leveraged trading is high risk and you could lose more than your initial deposit amount, because your total profit or loss is based on the total position size. Make sure you have adequate risk management steps in place.
Trend traders will use indicators throughout the trend to identify potential retracements, which are temporary moves against the prevailing trend. Trend traders will often take little notice of retracements, but it’s important to confirm it’s a temporary move rather than a complete reversal – which is often a signal to close a trade.
Some of the most popular technical analysis tools included in trend-following strategies include moving averages, the relative strength index (RSI) and the average directional index (ADX).